يهدف هذا البحث إلى تحليل و رصد التغطية المصورة للإرهاب وأحداثه بالصحف الإلکترونية المصرية من خلال تحليل مجموعة الصور الرقمية الثابتة التى نشرتها الصحف خلال فترة البحث ، و التعرف على الأطر التي استخدمتها تلک الصحف فى نشر الصور، وأسلوب عرضها و معالجتها لتلک الصور
The study aims to analyze and monitor the photo coverage of terrorism and its events in the Egyptian electronic newspapers by analyzing the set of digital fixed photos published by newspapers during the research period, and to identify the visual frames that these newspapers used with photos. The study also analyzes the presentation and treatment of these photos.
The study reached a set of results, the most important of which are:
There is a disparity between the newspapers with regard to the interest in publishing photos, so, the Seventh Day newspaper was ranked first with 85.6%, followed by Akhbar Al-Youm newspaper with 21.4%, then Al-wafd newspaper in the last place a newspaper with 19.8%.
With regard to photos locations accompanying the text, the locations varied with respect to the text in the newspapers. Photos placed below the text were ranked first with 43.3%, followed by pictures on the top of the text by 42.4%, then the photos in the middle of the text were ranked by 14.2%.
There are many types of photos in newspapers sample; news photos came first, followed by photos of topics, then humanized photos then personal photos, finally, infograph photos come in a small percentage.
The frames included in the photos varied in the electronic newspapers sample, and that a single photo may included more than one frame. We found that the security/legal frame was ranked first, followed by the technical frame, then the support frame in the third rank, followed by the loss frame in the fourth rank, then the frame of human interest, then came in the sixth rank the conspiracy frame, and finally the historical context frame in the seventh rank.