The Role of Classroom Activities in Kindergarten Child's Acquisition of Intellectual Security Concepts and Its Barriers from Viewpoint of Female Kindergarten Teachers in Dammam This study aimed at identifying the reality of classroom activities in kindergarten child's acquisition of some intellectual security concepts and the barriers of that from viewpoint of female kindergarten teachers in Dammam in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Hence, the study handled a questionnaire about the role of classroom activities in kindergarten child's acquisition of some intellectual security concepts and the barriers from viewpoint of female kindergarten teachers in Dammam in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The questionnaire was to be shown for the arbitrators in its primary form, edited according to their viewpoints, and finally confirmed to be the final form for application. The sample consisted of 140 female kindergarten teachers in Dammam in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Data was entered statistically by SPSS program as indicated overall the questionnaire sentences. Repetitions, percentages and standard deviations were also included for counting kindergarten teacher's responses. The study attained a list of classroom activities provided for the kindergarten child from viewpoint of the female teachers in Dammam in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The percentage of most classroom activities – provided for the child in kindergarten stage in Dammam, which came as: 58% for educational sides, followed by 53% for circle game, 42% for movemental games, 40% for the last meeting action, and 30% for daily school meal. However, there were other activities that came up with low percentages as: national festivals, open day, developing basic skills, cultural and artistic activities. The study also attained arising average in teachers' responses for the first pivot of the research study. This registered for the first pivot texts as being contributed positively to enhance intellectual security of the kindergarten child from viewpoint of kindergarten teachers in Dammam in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This indicates that parts of this axis contribute positively to kindergarten child's acquisition of concepts of intellectual security. On the other hand, the study attained a group of barriers that disabled the process of developing intellectual security of the kindergarten child from view point of kindergarten teachers in Dammam in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia .These barriers were found clearly in poor awareness among parents of the importance of integrated classroom activities; lack of tools and means that help in providing better classroom activities for the child; lack of classroom activities that increase the child's knowledge of his rights; closing all ways of discussion and dialogue with 477 others; unclear felt sides; disappearing of model people from child's life; the defects of educational curriculum.The study reported its results in light of prior studies as it suggested a combination of recommendations and suggestions that activate the role of classroom activities in kindergarten child's acquisition of some intellectual security concepts in Dammam in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia