ArticleDestination Loyalty and preference to Oman: Examining the Influences of Tourists’ Demographics
ArticleDestination Loyalty and preference to Oman: Examining the Influences of Tourists’ Demographics
ArticleRole of Tourism Activity in achieving Economic Development in The Sultanate of Oman دور النشاط السياحي في تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية في سلطنة عمان
ArticleRole of Tourism Activity in achieving Economic Development in The Sultanate of Oman دور النشاط السياحي في تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية في سلطنة عمان
Articleالعلاقة بين سياسات تطوير المنتجات السياحية ورضا السياح "دراسة تطبيقية بولاية بدية المنطقة الشرقية سلطنة عمان"
Articleالعلاقة بين سياسات تطوير المنتجات السياحية ورضا السياح "دراسة تطبيقية بولاية بدية المنطقة الشرقية سلطنة عمان"
ArticleMarketing Practices of Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises for Attracting Domestic Tourists in Egypt
ArticleMarketing Practices of Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises for Attracting Domestic Tourists in Egypt
ArticleTourism linkage mechanism for the Southern Province of Saudi Arabia (Asir - Jazan - Najran) as an integration strategy for the development and development of various tourism prog
ArticleTourism linkage mechanism for the Southern Province of Saudi Arabia (Asir - Jazan - Najran) as an integration strategy for the development and development of various tourism prog
ArticleAnalysis of indicators of global tourism competitiveness and their impact on the development of inter-Arab tourism (a field study)
ArticleAnalysis of indicators of global tourism competitiveness and their impact on the development of inter-Arab tourism (a field study)