الملخص العربى :
هدف البحث رصد المعوقات التى تحول دون تطبيق التعليم لريادة الأعمال بجامعة المنصورة ، والتوصل إلى أبرز السُبل للتغلب على المعوقات التى تحول دون تطبيق التعليم لريادة الأعمال بجامعة المنصورة ، واستخدم البحث المنهج الوصفى، وتم تطبيق الاستبانة على عينة مکونة من (1588) من أعضاء هيئة التدريس والطلاب بجامعة المنصورة، وانتهى البحث إلى صياغة مجموعة من المقترحات لمواجهة المعوقات التى تحول دون تطبيق التعليم لريادة الأعمال بجامعة المنصورة ، منها: توفير مقرر دارسي خاص بريادة الأعمال اجباري بالکليات، تيسير التواصل بين الطلاب وريادي الأعمال للاستفادة منهم، تشجيع الطلاب على بدء مشروعاتهم ودعمهم ماديًا ومعنويًا، مساندة الجامعه للطلاب أصحاب الأفکار الرياديه وتشجيعهم وتقديم الحوافز إليهم وتثقيفهم حول ريادة الأعمال، توفير الدعم المادي والمعنوي للطلاب المقبلين على المشروعات الريادية، ربط التعليم بمتطلبات سوق العمل، الاهتمام بريادة الأعمال التعليمية ودورها فى المجتمع وتحفيز الطلاب، وتفعيل دور الجامعة فى مساعدة وتوجية الطلاب فى ذلک، إقامة بعض الندوات والمؤتمرات وورش العمل للتوعية بثقافة ريادة الأعمال وأهميتها
The aim of the research was to monitor the obstacles that prevent the application of entrepreneurship education at Mansoura University, and to find the most prominent ways to overcome the obstacles that prevent the application of entrepreneurship education at Mansoura University. The research used the descriptive method, and the resolution was applied to a sample of (1588) of the faculty and students at Mansoura University, The research ended with formulating a set of proposals to address the obstacles that prevent the application of entrepreneurship education at Mansoura University, including: To provide a mandatory entrepreneurial course for colleges; facilitate communication between students and entrepreneurs to benefit from them; encourage students to start their projects and support them financially and emotionally; support university for students with entrepreneurial ideas and encourage and provide incentives to them and educate them about entrepreneurship; provide material and moral support to students entering entrepreneurial projects; link education to job market requirements; interest in educational entrepreneurship and its role in society and motivate students; activate the university's role in helping and guiding students in this; and establish some Symposia, conferences and workshops to raise awareness of the culture and importance of entrepreneurship < /strong>
universities are required to graduate a certain quality of graduates with specific and universally recognized specification and conditions. So that it can can manipulate technological advances .Entrepreneurship is a recent economic trend that has received strong attention from both locally and globally to improve economic conditions.We all have witnessed the epidemic known as covid 19, which presents not only significant challenges in all sphere ,but also to entrepreneurs who often struggle without a safety net with the economic consequences of the crisis
As entrepreneurial education increases the chances of successful business and industry future leaders, adults who did not receive entrepreneurial education to start new businesses were less likely than those who did Many researchers report that learning to be an entrepreneur is a combination of science and artThe scientific part is about teaching the job skills needed to start a business, while the technical part is about acquiring the creative aspects of entrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship education should be seen as a creative process, not as it isSo they're difficult and they require new methods and activities that go beyond content focus, but rather offer problem-based education alongside group projects.