Although some critics have labelled him as ‘the unprofessional poet,' Wallace Stevens was undoubtedly one of the
great poets of America.His poetry is philosophical, yet he deals with his ideas in a
concrete manner. One of the dominant subjects in his poetry is the
confrontation between reality and imagination where the latter, as
Stevens says, “enables us to perceive the normal in the abnormal,
the opposite of chaos in chaos."Wallace Stevens also wrote three experimental one-act
plays in 1915-1917, hut his published plays were coldly received
by most of his critics. In his search for identity, he set out to tacklc
drama perhaps because the medium of the drama lends itself
conveniently to an impersonality he was to look for throughout his
poctic career. This paper is an attempt to analyse Three Travellers Watch
a Sunrise - an experiment in the use of the dramatic medium in
which Stevens tried - as early as 1916 to come to grips with the
central question of the relationship between imagination and