Different mechanized systems were investigated to select the proper machinery system for sowing and grain covering operations of wheat crop in semi-arid soil. The mechanized sowing systems included using the bandwidth distributor (B), and fertilizer spreader (F) machinery techniques. While, the grain covering operations were performed using rotary tiller(R), and chisel plow (P) each followed by lever(L) machinery techniques
Measurements of the revealed properties in top soil layer, grown plants characteristic crop yield, the system energy consumptions, , and system cost, were taking into consideration to compare between the tested field treatments.
The gained results showed that:-
- Applying the bandwidth distributor (B) to perform wheat sowing, and using the rotary tiller followed by a lever to perform grain covering operation revealed lower soil compaction (17.61%) and better soil profile leveling25.26 % lead to increase number of plants(347.60 /m2 and improve grain germination percent (85.95(%) and provided the heights crop grain yield (2.834 ton /fed).
-Generally the results indicated that, sowing with fertilizer spreader, and grain covering with . chisel plow followed by lever gave the highest energy value (19.5 kW.h/fed) While lowest consumed energy (8.1 kW.h/fed )with hand broadcast and lever, was performing using rotary tiller followed by lever machinery techniques demolishes the differences in the energy consumed by the sowing system.
- Performed grain covering using rotary tiller(R), or chisel plow(P) each followed by lever machinery techniques have high effect on the system cost. But it should be denoted that operation at high speed, and large width will decrease cost per fed, and demolish the cost differences between investigated covering systems.