Through redistribution, water which entered the soil during infiltration redistributes itself after infiltration has stopped. Both infiltration and redistribution profoundly affect soil water balance. The soil water balance determines the availability of water and nutrients to plants, affects rates of microbial processes, erosion, and chemical weathering, and influence soil thermal and gas composition relations. Therefore, three-dimensional finite difference model for simulating furrow surface flow, infiltration and redistribution water flow under both continuous and surged flow management was developed based on mass balance with the concept of matric flux potential and solved by the Newton-Raphson procedure. Model performance for both continuous and surge flow regimes was verified using field data. Three inflow cycle times ((5/5), (10/10) and (15/15)) were tested with three instantaneous flow rates of 1.45, 1.7 and 2.6 L/s, respectively. Field data were collected to evaluate the advance-recession time for stream flow along furrow length, field infiltration under different flow regimes and soil moisture distribution after irrigation. A sensitivity analysis was made on the response of the model to the changes in specific parameters. Application of the model to surge flow irrigation was demonstrated by analyzing some of the interrelationships between cycle times, flow rates, depth of application efficiency and distribution uniformity. The application efficiency was over 80 % by the surge flow, while it was about 48 % for the continuous flow. Infiltration rate under surge flow approached the basic infiltration in a short time compared to continuous flow. The result showed that a cycle (10/10 min) would create the best distribution uniformity (DU) and application efficiency (AE). The model accurately predicted the transient and steady soil moisture distribution under different inflow and furrow irrigation techniques.