The present research was conducted in Kafr-Abou- Shehata , Minya el Qamh, Al Sharqia Governorate , Egypt during the season 2011 – 2012 of irrigated wheat production. The aims of this research were to 1) determine the amount of inputs energy for different tillage systems. 2) Selecting the most suitable mechanized system for wheat crop production. Data was collected from three different sources: literature review, questionnaire and field measurements. Statistical analysis system program (SAS) has been used to analyze data with randomized complete block design for the three tillage systems tested in this study with three replications. The tillage systems were: (S1) Chisel plow (1stpass&2ndpass) +steel leveller wooden ridger+ mounted seed drill+ irrigation by sprinkler system +broadcasting fertilizer mechanically + hydraulic sprayer+ self-propelled mower +trailer+ stationary threshing machine, (S2) Mould board plow+ disc harrow and (S3) Disc plow+ disc harrow, the other agricultural operation were performed mechanically using the same equipment as in S1. Wheat yield parameter and energy indices (net energy gain, energy ratio, and energy productivity) were determined. There were significant differences (5% probability level) among the systems in terms of energy indices (energy ratio and net energy gain), while the value of energy productivity were not significantly differentes. Also there were significant differences (5% probability level) among the systems in terms of yield, input energy and output energy values but grain and harvest index were not significantly differentes. It was found that S1had the highest yield and S3 had the lowest.
[1] Professor, Agric. Eng. Dept. Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University.
2Associate Professor, Soils and water Dept. Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University.
3Ph. D Student, Agric. Eng. Dept. Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University.
S1 had the highest net energy gain while S3had the lowest. S3 had the lowest energy ratio and energy productivity and S1had the highest energy ratio and S2 had the highest energy productivity. The least energy consumed For wheat produced was 5.928 MJ/fed for S2 and the highest was 6.143 MJ/fed for S3. Energy consumed in MJ/fed for tillage were 286.12, 277.17 and 305.06 for the three systems respectively. Therefore it was concluded that system S2 was the most efficient in this research.