Field experiments of this work were carried out in a clay soil during the 2014 / 2015 seasons in Arumon, village-Kafrelsheikh Governorate. The aim of this work was to study the effect of some land leveling methods on seeds emergence percentage, For of Egyptian clover yield and net profit. To achieve this goal, the following experiments were used:
1 – The chisel plough at a depth of 15 cm (one pass) followed by laser land leveling (T1).
2 – The chisel plough at a depth of 15 cm (one pass) followed by traditional land leveling (T2).
3 – The used land with rice residues left on it without leveling (T3).
The planting was carried out by manual broadcasting (30 kg / Fed) on all experiments.
The main results in this study can be summarized in the following points.
- The maximum seed emergence percentage 62 % was obtained by using chisel plough (one pass ) followed by laser land leveling and the minimum grain emergence of 32.8 % was obtained by using unleveled land with rice residues.
- The maximum forage productivity 116.5 Mg / fed (the four clippings 29.1, 29.8, 32.1 and 25.5 Mg / fed) was obtained by using chisel plough (one pass) followed by laser land leveling and the minimum forage productivity was78.2 Mg / fed (from 16.4, 19.8, 22.7 and 19.3 Mg / fed) for mowing by using unleveled land with rice residues.
- The highest net profit (11440 LE / fed ) was obtained with chisel plough (one pass) followed by laser land leveling and the lowest (7790 LE / fed )was obtained with unleveled land with rice residues.