The environment of the Earth is
the world's continental shelves were
for ever changing. Changes occur at
alternately exposed and flooded.
a whole array of time scales and, for
All these natural changes have had a
example, over geological time, the
major impact on the fortunes of human
Earth has witnessed both greenhouse
societies and have played a role in such
and icehouse conditions. Even over
matters as migrations, the collapse
the last few millions of years, we have
of civilizations, and the origins of
experienced repeated lurches from glacial
to interglacial conditions, while over
Now, however, humans are having an
the last ten thousand or so years of the
increasingly important role in promoting
Holocene we have had neoglaciations
environmental change. On the one hand,
(such as the Little Ice Age), pluvials in
changes in land cover are modifying rates
the Sahara, and several phases when
of erosion and runoff , while on the other
conditions have been warmer than today
the emission of a cocktail of greenhouse
(as in early Medieval times). At a shorter
gases into the atmosphere is starting to
time scale there have been fluctuations
cause global climate change. In coming
at the decadal scale, including ENSO,
decades it is likely that, for example,
the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and the
many glaciers will melt, permafrost
North Atlantic Oscillation. In addition to
will decay, sea levels will rise, rainfall
appreciating that there have been changes
regimes may become more extreme, and
at a whole range of scales, it is important
desert dunes may become more active.
to recognize that some changes have been
Hazards such as droughts and floods may
abrupt and also that the degree of change
change in intensity.
has sometimes been very substantial.
Environmental changes, both natural
For example, around 9000 years ago,
and anthropogenic, and in the past and
much of the currently hyperarid Sahara
in the future, are now a major concern
was a savanna landscape with large lakes
for many academic disciplines, and so
and some major rivers. Conversely, at
the appearance of this new journal is
the maximum of the last glacial, around
extremely timely and significant.
20, 000 years ago, many parts of the
currently humid tropics were probably
Andrew Goudie, University of Oxford, UK.