هدفت الدراسة التعرُّف على واقع سلوک التنَمُّر لدى تلاميذ ذوي الإعاقة الفکرية وعلاقتها بالمشکلات الصفية لدى أقرانهم بمعاهد وبرامج التربية الفکرية الحکومية في مدينة الرياض من وجهة نظَر معلِّمِيهم، والتعرف على الفروق من وجهة نظر المعلمين بمعاهد وبرامج التربية الفکرية حول سلوک التنَمُّر لدى التلاميذ ذوي الإعاقة الفکرية تُعزى إلى المکان التربوي، والمرحلة الدراسية للتلاميذ، وقد نهجت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي؛ إذ تضمنت عينة الدراسة من (414) معلِّمًا العاملين في معاهد وبرامج التربية الفکرية الحکومية بمدينة الرياض، وتمثلت أداة الدراسة في استبيان أعدَّه الباحثان لتحقيق أهداف الدراسة، ومن نتائج الدراسة ما يلي:
أن المعلمين يرون أن التنَمُّر اللفظيَّ والجسديَّ يحدث بين التلاميذ ذوي الإعاقة الفکرية في معاهد وبرامج التربية الفکرية، ووجود علاقة طردية موجبة قوية بين المشکلات الصفية وسلوک التنَمُّر.
کشفت الدراسة عن فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين وجهات نظر المعلمين نحو سلوک التنَمُّر لدى التلاميذ ذوي الإعاقة الفکرية تُعزى لاختلاف المرحلة الدراسية للتلاميذ، وأن الفروق لصالح المرحلة الابتدائية في التنَمُّر الجسديّ، بينما کانت لصالح المرحلة المتوسطة في التنَمُّر اللفظيّ.
relationship problems with classroom peers institutes and programs Intellectual Education, Identify the differences from the point of view of teachers' institutes and programs of intellectual education about bullying behavior in students with intellectual disabilities can be attributed to the educational place, grade for students. The study sample consisted of 414 teachers studying for students with intellectual disability, the study consisted of a questionnaire tools bullying and problems with the classroom of students with intellectual disabilities (prepared by the researcher). Key word: Bullying - Intellectual Disability - Classroom Problems- The results of the study include the following:
that teachers see verbal and physical bullying occurs between pupils with intellectual disabilities in institutes and programs of intellectual education, and a positive relationship between strong class problems and bullying behavior.
The study revealed significant differences between the views of teachers towards the behavior of bullying among students with intellectual disabilities due to the difference in the school stage of the students, and that the differences in favor of the primary stage in physical bullying, while it was in favor of the intermediate stage in verbal bullying.
relationship problems with classroom peers institutes and programs Intellectual Education, Identify the differences from the point of view of teachers' institutes and programs of intellectual education about bullying behavior in students with intellectual disabilities can be attributed to the educational place, grade for students. The study sample consisted of 414 teachers studying for students with intellectual disability, the study consisted of a questionnaire tools bullying and problems with the classroom of students with intellectual disabilities (prepared by the researcher). Key word: Bullying - Intellectual Disability - Classroom Problems- The results of the study include the following:
that teachers see verbal and physical bullying occurs between pupils with intellectual disabilities in institutes and programs of intellectual education, and a positive relationship between strong class problems and bullying behavior.
The study revealed significant differences between the views of teachers towards the behavior of bullying among students with intellectual disabilities due to the difference in the school stage of the students, and that the differences in favor of the primary stage in physical bullying, while it was in favor of the intermediate stage in verbal bullying.