Industry technologies include Big data, internet of things, system integration, cloud computing , Rebotics , automation augment and virtual reality. Cybersecurity help guarantee that these technologies and essential information they contain remain sale and protected. As Interconnection and the usage of electronic data gathering, storage, and transfer become more prevalent, with significant industry adoption, and that increasing the number of business being targeted for cybertheft, damage or disruption. Cybersecurity means all steps to safeguard business against illegal electronic data usage. Manufacturers Can remain secure and prosperous by protecting all hardware, software, and information from internal and external threats. These breaches have implications for business enterprises as they may result in lower performance and market value, increased operational risks, lost information and significant employee time spent ensuring compliance with appropriate privacy and confidentially regulations.
The proposed framework depends on an event, impact and response approach to identify directions for accounting and auditing. This framework aims to examine how cybersecurity impacts cybersecurity events or threats, and how these events impact organisations and responses by various parties to different events. Based on COSO Enterprise Risk Management Framework, organisations need to identify the impact of cybersecurity threats, then follow up by developing responses to the related risks by using cause and effect relationship between risks and responses.
Thus, this research aims to develop a framework for linking existing cybersecurity research to accounting. This framework gives look forward information and insights to researchers and practionners. Accountants should involved in identifying and measuring the costs of cybersecurity events; tracking the impact of these events on the organcisations; ensuring the organisations to disclose cybersecurity threats appropriately to investors and finally auditors should often adjust their risk assessment and audit procedures due to the presence of cybersecurity events.
The proposed framework highlights how practitioners can better assess cybersecurity threats, understand their impact, and develop responses strategies. Furthermore, the researches about cybersecurity need to extended beyond AIS to other areas. Such as financial accounting, managerial accounting and auditing.