In today's dynamic business environment manufacturing companies face many challenges such as: global competition, market uncertainty, and changing customer's needs. In order to survive manufacturing companies are moving toward new manufacturing paradigms to develop their competitive abilities.
Manufacturing leagility that combines the advantages of both lean and agility in one unit drive the interest of many manufacturing companies as one of the important strategies to be implemented.
This paper presents the first attempt to propose an index to compute servitization leagility in a UK manufacturing company via structured model consisting of leagility enablers, criteria, as well as, attributes using multi-grade fuzzy approach. Fuzzy logic has been applied to deal with linguistic judgments. By using the model, the servitization leagility index was computed for the case company. Then, future opportunities which require special managerial attention toward improving servitization leagility degree were identified as well.
The validation of the case study results confirms the quite easy applicability and feasibility of the proposed model in measuring servitization leagility effectively.