688 slaughtered camel of both sex were investigated for the presence of hepatic af fections. The results showed that about 15% of the livers were partially or totally con demned for various reasons including: echinococcosis, abscesses, multifocal necrosis, hepatic congestion and /or fibrosis. The latter constituted 70% of the affections and some of these cases were associated with ascitis and subcutaneous edema with no de tectable gross abnormalities in other visceral organs. Microscopical examination showed three types of lesions, a) congestion and early degeneration (70%), b) ad vanced vacuolar degeneration, early necrosis and sinusoidal congestion (20%), c) necro sis and advanced fibrosis accompanied by biliary epithelium hyperplasia (10%). No specific pathogen, parasite or heavy metals have been yet identifred. However, the role of environmental toxins could not be rule out