The present study was designed to evaluate the therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy of toltrazuril at different doses against coccidiosis one hundred and twenty one day old chicks were divided into 6 groups each of 20 chicks group A was left as non - infected non – medicated control chicks of group B were infected and non – medicated while chicks of group C D and E were treated with toltrazuril in drinking water at rate of 7 (25ppm) 3.5 (12.5ppm) and 1.75 (6.25ppm) mg/ kg body weight on day 18 and 19 25 and 26 respectively in chicks of group F toltrazuril was given as prophylactic at rate of 7 mg / kg bodyweight on days 3 and 10 chicks of groups ( B C D E and F ) were challenged orally with 20000 sporulated occysts of E tenella on the 16th and 26th day of their age evaluation of the toltrazuril efficacy was based on occysts count per gram (OPG) of faeces weight gain mortality and postmortem findings the maximum reduction the mean body weight gains as compared to healthy control (85.39%) concerning the mean body weight gains as compared to healthy control group D showed best performance followed by group E group C and group F chicks of group B showed lowest performance.
Bacterial diseases in poultry, Poultry -
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Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal
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Comparative efficacy of diffrent toltrazuril doses against coccidiosis in broiler chickens