One hundred and two E. coli isolates were isolated from two hundred broiler chicks aged 1-40 day collected from Sharkiil Governorare, Seventy one isolates were serotyped lnto 11 different serogroups. 01. 08, O15.018. 026, 078, 086. 0111, 0114, 0157 and 0169 white 31isoiates were un-typed. Antibiogram of isolated E, colt to apraunycin and other common antimicrobial agents was peifonned. Apramycin and fluroqulnolones was the most effective antimicrobial against E, coli. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of Apramyctn against lasted E. coli was 0.8 ug/ml. The levels of serum AST. ALT, creatirtlne, uric acid and globulin were significantly increased but albumin leuel was significantly decreased In chicks infected with E.coli 078, These parameters were improved towards the nonnal leuels in chicks injected with E. coli and treated with apramyin for .5 successive days. A total number of 200 day-old Cobb broder chicks were divided into 4 equal groups (1. 2, 3 and 4) each containing 50 chicks.