Pneumonic signs appeared among a flock of sheep 1200 heads under 18 month age. The signs involved mild. pyrexia, respiratory distress. purulent nasal discharge. sub mandlbuler and pectnral and oedema and diarrhea in. aduanced respiratory signs,The postmortem examination reuealed that. The lung tissue was congested firm and hepatized with frothy exudtates comes out from trachea. the liver was enlarged and gall bladder was distended with bile, bacteriological examination of nasat swabs pleural fluld and lung tissue revealed.
that, the etiological agents of this condition is a mixed injection with different species of pasteurelia spp., mycoplasma spp .E. Coli. Staph. aureus, Aerobacter aerogenes. KLeb• asiella prieuinonie and Haemopllilus somnus.