80 random bulk mIlk samples were collected from different dairy farms in Sharkia Governorate. Each sample was divlded lnto two subsamples. The first was used for keeping quality and sanitary tests and the second was examined bacteriologicaliy for determlnation. of its bactertal conditfon. 8.75 of examined samples were reacted positively with Alt.zarin precipitation lest "APT" and Clot-on-boiling test •'C.O.S. ". The results Of methylene blue reduction test ranged from hours with a mean value of 3.57 ± 0.12. The number of samples graded by methylene reduction test as inferlor quality (above 4.5 hours} were 60 with a percentage (75%)The milk samples have graded by resaxurln reduction test as 81.82 were in grade A. 12,5% were in grade B and 6,25 were in grcuie C (infertor quallty). Total colony. psychrOtrophic, thermoduric and colifarm counts {MPN} per mi, ranged from 1.18 x 109 . 2.5 x 1010 with a mean value of 1,35 x 101O :* 0.04 x 1010. 1,1 x 103 . 2,24 x 104 with a mean value of 1,18 x 104 :t 0.51 x 104, 1.19 x 1o5• 2.35 x 108 with a mean value 3.48 x J07 :t 0.61 x 107 and 2,30 x 107. 9. x loB with a I'I'IeaJlllaiue oj 1. 72 x loB ± 0.32 x loB respectively.