1ft Suudi Arabia. camels are raised on open system in vartable size of herds; however they are supplemented with additional ration that includes barely, bran and AlfaAlfa hay. Nonetheless. camel-owners are extremely cautious on the type and quality of feed supplements, Therefore. Large scate of feed taxicity has nor been experienced. 'The goal of this study was to describe epidemio;ogical features of a neuromuscular illness that Involved camel herds in tile Southern regton of the country during the summer of 2007. Twenty one camel herds were examined via a written survey and additional data were obtained from records at the local veterinary authority. Guestions were focused on management feeding and health aspects of camels. the morbidity rate ranged between 14 and 100% , while the mortality ranged between 33.3 and
85.6% and the case fatality was nearly 76.5%. On certain occasions camels were severely afffected and clinical signs included recurrent regurgitation" incoordination. And ataxia, edema of the perineum reglon, plgmented uririe and death within 1-2 days of exposure.