Three sheep were treated from cutaneous and ocular myiasis at the Veterinary Tecching HospitaI King Faisal UnIversity, Two animals were suffering from deep and smlly necrotized, molst cutaneous lesions on their hind quarters that reached the underlying musculature. The lesion of the third sheep was located in the left eye destroying the g!obe, By applying pressure to the affected skin. greytSh yllow l-cm long fly maggots. lapering towards the mouth. began to exit the cavities. The maggots were microsocopically examined and ldentifled as Lucilia sericata; Mei'gen .. the green botlle fly, and it was determined that these were cases of fly-strike. After cleaning and dislnfecting the lestons. antlparasttlc medications were aplled toplcally and systemically. The animals were also trerued systemically with antiblottcs. After 5 days of therapy the sheep were discharged, information from the filed lndicates that cases of fly strike are not uncommon in Al-Ahsa.