A total number of 275 freshwater fISh (100 of clarias gariepinus, 100 of wild Oreochromis niloticus and 75 of cultured 0, nlloticus) were randomly collected alive from Nii.e branches and a private flsh farm in Ismailia governorafe. The fiShes were investigated for encysied metacercariae. thtere were no pathognononic clinical signs or abnormalilles on the external body surface, The isolated encys/ed melacercartae are identified as Cynodiplostomatid, Heterophid. Prohemistomatid. EucLinostomum and Clinostomum metacercuriae. The results revealed total prevalence of 50.47 and 13,3% in C. garlepinus. wild O.niloticus and cultured O.niloticus respectively. Such metecercariae prevalled in spring in wild O.nilottcus and C.gartepinus while cultured o.niloticus prevailed in summer. The site specificlty showed high prevalence In musculature of C. gariepinus, in kidney of wild o,niloticus and in spleen of cultured O.niloticus, In addition is is revealed that the prevalence in bath males and femaIes are nearly equal in C. gariepinus and cultured o.niloticus while fomaIes of wild o.nilolicus are highly prevai1ed than males.