The goal of the present study was to investigate some biochemical alterations in pregnant goats suffering from carbohydrate deficiency. The main clinical signs were anorexia depression, locomotion disturbances from staggering gait to sternum recum bancy which might have resulted in reduced energy intake and precipitated pregnancy toxaemia. Blood and urine samples were collected from 12 diseased animals before and after treatment trials. Samples were also collected from 8 late pregnant goats that were proved healthy. Laboratory findings showed ketonuria, lower serum values of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and L'1Sulin. Higher serum liver enzymes, urea, creati-, nine, total lipids, free fatty acids, {3-0HB and cortisol, were observed. The response of the affected goats to conventional therapeutic treatment was variable. It could be con cluded that, the disturbance in ration constituents especially carbohyd rates leads to pregnancy disease which can be prevented by the subsequent correction of carbohy d rate and lipid parameters in affected goats with balancing the nutritional intake of the goats with the increased late pregnancy need s of the dam and her fetus to avoid and prevent the occurrence of this syndrome.