Fifty random samples of shawarma (cooked meat} were collected under hygienic circumstances from different fast1food restaurants in port-said city. The samples were examined. for aerobic plate counts, Enterobacteriaceae and S. aureus cgµnts. The aerobic plate counts were ranged from 26 x 103 to 32 x 106/g. with a main value of 33.8 x 105/g. The counts of Enterobacteria eeac and S. aureus were ranged from 3 102 to 3 x 104/g; and 5 x, ,02 to 7 x 104/g. with a mean value of 1.68 x 103 and 7.4 x 103/g. respectively .. Ct-trobacter fr;eundi , Hafnia alvei , En terobacter spp. and Klebsiella spp. could be isolated from the,.examined shawarma samples. Sal monella ,Shigella and E. coli could not be detected. The present study indicated that food -borne pathogens present in examined shawarma samples constitute a potential public health hazard. The zoonotic importance of each isolates as well as the suggestive methods for minimizing and preventing bacterial contamination were discussed.