This study was carried out on 30 lung samples and bronchial lymph nodes of camels slaughtered at Kaluobia abattoir during a period of three months ( between September 2003 and January 2004), Pneumonia was recorded in 21 samples (70%) and 9 samples (30%) were apparently normal. The isolated microorganisms were Staph. aureus Diplococcus pneumonia, Klebsilla pneumonia, E. coli. Pseudomonas aerugnosa. Actniomyces pyogens and Pasteur ells spec ices. The antibiotic sensitivity test for isolated microorganisms revealed that Gentamycin 30g and ampicillin 10g were the most sensitive antibiotic of choice. The major post-mortem lesions represented by variable degree of congestion and focal areas of consolidation ( hepatization). The histopathological examination revealed variable degree of bronchitis, bronchial hyperplasia and hemorrhage in the lung. where the bronchial lymph node showed lymphocytic depletion in the lymphoid follicle. In conclusion, the bacteriological examination and the histopathologocal alteration recorded together for diagnosis of lung infection.