Twenty one buffalo embryos and fetuses of both sexes ranging from 8-102 cm CVR length corresponding to 80-315 days –old were collected from Mansoura abattoir, they were prepared by normal histological technique for morphometrical and light microscopic study. The results revealed that, nasal septum represented by a vertically oriented sheath between the developing nasal pits at 8-10 cm CVRL (80-85 days-old). The mesenchymal tissue was differentiated into chondrogenic cells. At 12 cm CVRL (90 days-old), the septal cartilage showed chondroblastic condensation in the periphery, it was of hyaline type. Invasion of its basal thickening with blood vessels was observed of fetuses of 48 cm CVRL. The nasal epithelium was derived from the face ectoderm mesenchymal tissue; it was composed of cuboidal darkly stained basal cell layers and many (12-13) polyhedral cell layers. At 36 cm CVRL (150 days-old), it was differentiated into stratified squamous epithelium in the nasal vestibule, stratified cuboidal epithelium in the transitional area and pseudostratified ciliated columnar in the nasal cavity proper. The nasal glands were observed at 12 cm CVRL (90 days-old), in the form of solid clusters with a relative volume density of 10.51%. They were numerous, isolated, solitary acini, almost canalized at 25 cm CVRL (195 days-old) and constituted 12.8% of the nasal septal submucosa. It was lobulated with wide distended lumen at 68cm CVRL (230 days-old) its volume density was 23.32%, some acini showed alcian blue positive reaction at 80 cm CVRL (260 days-old) and the others exhibited a weak PAS positive reaction it formed 25.62% of the septal submucosa, the vemeronasal gland was observed at 48 cm CVRL at the lamina propria of the vomeronasal organ, represented 12.38% of the vomeronasal organ submucosa it showed a strong PAS positive reaction. Extensive, large blood spaces mostly filled with blood, formed a cavernous tissue at the basal part of the nasal septum and at the level of the vomeronasal organs observed at 48 cm CVRL (180 days –old