Meat sold in open markets consumed by many peoples. Special attenlion was focolsed On the determination of selected heavy mtals in meat samples. For assessing environmental contamination, thirty meat samples of three varieties (Minced meal,meal slices. and sausage) were purchased from different open markets in Alexandria province. The samples were analyzed for the eslitmatonl of Fe. Cu, Pb and Cr usinq atomic absorplion spectrophotometer. The results for minced meal Were Fe (950.2 ppm). Cu (73.7 ppm) and Pb (3.8 ppm), for nleat slices were Fe (838.3 ppm). cu (72. 3 ppm) and Pb (0.86 ppm), and for sausage werc Fe (102.7 ppm). cu (9.6 ppm) and Pb 2.95 ppm). j significant correlation was found btween Fe and Ph in the three products. The concentrations of these elernents were above the allowable international limits for human food. chromium was undelectable in the three products.