With the advent of controlled breeding techniques in sheep. it is possible to male ewes at most time of the year. Our investigation was carried out on 100 heaLthy ewes showtng normal cyclic changes. They were treated with two i.m iryections. 4 hours apart I of PGF2a at 1Oth day qf eslrus /0 synchronl2e estrus. They were obseroed for the next estrus and served by afertlle ram. The day of service was recorded and considered as day 0 of pregnancy. Ewes failed to show estrus were excluded from the experiment. After 17-23 daysfrom mallng.fertlle ram was re-tntroduced. twice daily for at least one hour each time for detection of ewes that may come In heat agatn to beserved. Pregnancy was dlagnosed ultrasonographically using a real-time B-mode ul• trasoundl will equipped with a 7.5 SMHz transreclal transducer, Scanning of ewes was conducted weekly from 4th to 8 th week after mating. ,