Tirirty eight bacterial agent.s Were' isolated from differenl species qf psillacine birds Of L'rlIiable ages. These birds included morbid and/ or dead birds. Birds were received Different localities of sharkia province. These agcnrs were E. co!i (31.6%} shegella spp. (21%). Salmonella spp. (l5.89%). each of Citrobacier spp. and. Enlerobacler spp (1O.5%) and each of Proteus spp. and Klebsiella SPP. (5.3%). Susceplibility of these isololes to alltimicrobial agents lncludi.ng .fluoroquinolones (enrofloxacn,. Ciprofloxacin, difloxacin and and norfloxacin) and oiher commonly used antimlcrobtaLs {gentamicin. strepto' mycin. flurnoquine, nalidixic acid. Amoxycllin , lrimethoprim. tetracycline. doxycycyline. pencilin and ceftiofur were tested in-uitro by using disc diffusion and broth dilution techniques. All isolales were sensitive to enrofloxacin. ciprojloxacin and difloxacn with MICs ranged from 0.19-0.39. 0.19-0.78 and 0.39'1.5G ug/mlrespeclively