Four groups of Japanese quail, 50 for each, were Subjected to yellow, green, red , and blue light from 10-12 weeks of age to stud y the effect of different light regimes on; behavior performance, body y weight, feed and water intake, egg production and weight. Each week five bird s were killed to obtain serum samples (for estimation of FT3. estro gen and progesterone) and to estimates carcass quality. Exposure of quails to red and yellow light (long and medium wave length) resulted in high feeding, drinking, egg production and weight, but lower the growth rate. On tlie other hand , blue and green light (short and medium wave length) group exhibits a low est feeding , d drinking , egg production and weight, but higher in growth rate. Quails reared in a blue light had the highest serum FT 3,and lowest estradiol and progeste rone. while yellow light group showed lowest FT3 and highest estradiol and progeste rone. The red group had the highest hatchability and fertility percentage