Camel and cattle amniotic jluid samples were collected from 20 pregnant animals of the same fetal age, about two montli jo r cattle fetus while the age of the camel fet us was determined by CVR .5 r:m. The aim of the present investigation was to compare the biochemical and physioloyical compos ition of the amniotic fluid of the two species. Sam ples were analyzed for sodium, potassium, glucose, total proteins, urea, uric acid , bilir ubin, cholesterol and total lipid s. The activities of the enzymes amylase and lactate de hyd rogenase were also determined in the two amniotic _fluid s. The results indicated that there were no significant differences in the levels of potassium, glucose, bilirubin, and uric acid in the amniotic fluids of the two species studied. However, a signficant higher values (p <0.01) were recorded in the levels of sodium, urea, total proteins, cho lesterol, total lipid s and lctclic dehydrogenase in the amniotic fluid of cattle when com pared with that of camel. Only the enzyme amylase activity was found to be signfi. cantly higher in the amniotic jluid of camel when compared with that of cattle. Judging from th.e composition of the amniotic fluid in the two species, it can be concluded that, in early pregnancy and at the same fetal age, the development of cattle fetus is quiclcer than that qf the cameljetus.