The twisting of the gravid uterus during pregnancy is more common in the Egyptian buffaloes than any other domestic species. available field and hospital cases ( n=36 ) were included in this study. The treatment procedure and the clinicopathological findings ( before detorsion, after detorsion, immediately after birth and 24 hours after birth ) of the buffaloes suffering from uterine torsion were investigated. The total number of successfully rolled buffaloes was significantly higher ( P <0.05 ) than those failed to be rolled, and the severe torsion needed > 2 rolls to be corrected. Caesarean section ( C . S ) was successfully completed in the majority of cases. The rate of maternal and foetal mortality increased with the severity of torsion. Most cases of torsion were accompanied with dilated cervix than insufficient or closed cervix. The rate of bloody discharge ( p < 0.05 ) and ruptured foetal sacs increased with the severity of torsion reaching the highest with > 270* torsion. The results of haemogram in the affected buffaloes with uterine torsion showed normocytic normochromic anaemia and leucocytosis accompanied by neutrophilia