wo groups of Barki ewes in a private farm, aged 3-5 years , non-vaccinated against brucella infection and had history of reproductive disturbances, were examined for brucella infection by different serological tests. The first group (412 ewes) has skin lesions. Meanwhile, the second group (375 ewes) was clinically free from skin lesions. Blood samples were taken from both groups of ewes (4 times within one year) for serodiagnosis of brucella infection using tube agglutination test (TAT), Rose Bengal plate test (RBPT) and Rivanol (Riv. T) tests, in addition to collection of skin scraping samples from ewes suffering from skin lesions for detection of scab mites infection, at the time of blood sampling. The positive reactors of brucellosis by different serological tests were recorded in both groups. It was found also that 30.77% of brucella positive ewes had psoroptes mites infection. The suggested role of mites in opening portals of brucella infection via skin was mentioned. Guinea pigs used to assess this possible suggestive route and a slight rise in titre between scabbied brucella infected group than in brucella infected ones were observed. Treatment of scab mites infection after each examination was done using different specific drugs