ArticleEvolution of Materiality according to the International Accounting Professional Regulatory Bodies
ArticleEvolution of Materiality according to the International Accounting Professional Regulatory Bodies
ArticleThe Impact of Complex Accounting Estimates and Fair-Valued Cryptocurrencies on Audit Effort – Working Paper
ArticleThe Impact of Complex Accounting Estimates and Fair-Valued Cryptocurrencies on Audit Effort – Working Paper
ArticleDeterminants of the Relationship Between Greenhouse Gases Emissions Disclosure Assurance and the Quality of Auditor Professional Judgment on Materiality: An Experimental Study
ArticleDeterminants of the Relationship Between Greenhouse Gases Emissions Disclosure Assurance and the Quality of Auditor Professional Judgment on Materiality: An Experimental Study
ArticleUsing Risk – Based Audit Approach for Auditing Accounting Estimates and its impact on the Audit Quality: an Empirical Study
ArticleUsing Risk – Based Audit Approach for Auditing Accounting Estimates and its impact on the Audit Quality: an Empirical Study