ArticleBlock Statue of “Pa-Iw-Her” in the Cairo Museum JE 38590 from Karnak Cachette, Excavation Number K.731
ArticleBlock Statue of “Pa-Iw-Her” in the Cairo Museum JE 38590 from Karnak Cachette, Excavation Number K.731
ArticleTwo blocks from the excavations of Cairo University in Heliopolis kept at the museum of the Faculty of Archeology, Cairo University
ArticleTwo blocks from the excavations of Cairo University in Heliopolis kept at the museum of the Faculty of Archeology, Cairo University
ArticleA Situla of tA-bAk(t)-n-Ast in the Institute for the study of ancient cultures Museum - The University of Chicago ISACM E11394
ArticleA Situla of tA-bAk(t)-n-Ast in the Institute for the study of ancient cultures Museum - The University of Chicago ISACM E11394
ArticleUnpublished bA - Statuette of Yuya Cairo, Egyptian Museum CG 51176 (JE 95312) نشر لتمثال البا ليويا بالمتحف المصرى بالقاهرة
ArticleUnpublished bA - Statuette of Yuya Cairo, Egyptian Museum CG 51176 (JE 95312) نشر لتمثال البا ليويا بالمتحف المصرى بالقاهرة