In light of the importance of creativity of PR agencies and due to the need to build the concept on a solid theory, this study intends to characterize the practices of public relations agencies in the Sultanate of Oman of utilizing the Excellence Theory of public relations while tackling the creativity aspects practiced by those agencies
In general, the results show that the public relations agencies in the Sultanate of Oman as managerial units abide by the actual reality of the excellent practices of the public relations profession to some extent; as they follow the characteristics of the Excellence Theory of Public Relations in some aspects, and fail to implement them in others. For instance, Public relations agencies in the Sultanate of Oman empower the public relations function; in terms of managing communication programs strategically, and in terms of involving public relations practitioners in the strategic management. Nevertheless, they don't empower the public relations function in terms of involving the public relations practitioners in the formation of the board of directors of the agencies subject to this study.
The study also complies with the characteristics of the Excellence Theory of Public Relation in terms of providing diversity of managerial and technical oriented services of public relations, and in terms of enabling men and women to practice the two types. On the other hand, the results don't comply with the characteristics of the theory in terms of providing equal opportunities for men and women to provide the managerial oriented services. Finally, results highlight the creativity of public relations in PR agencies in Oman as being under-rated. Traditional methods drift away from the productive divergence definition and tend to focus on being productive, in the least budget possible. Non-creative ideas prevail in different PR contents and ideas while the outside look of the production is inclined towards luxury and creativity more.