Nowadays, video games became the favorite entertainment and many children spend their time using it, the study aimed to examine to what extend the excessive use of violent video games will affect the children behaviour and whether the existence of family members around the children while he/she is using video games will mediate the negative effect of violent video games on them.
The study depended on the cultivation theory, Uses and Gratification Theory, and Media dependency Theory. Also, the study used the questionnaire/survey on sample size 200 respondents (parents) from both male and female, married with one or two or three children, Age from 28 to 45, level of education, University graduates, social class, A ,B. Geographical location, Cairo governorate. Also, the study conducted four interviews with two psychiatrists and another two interviews with two school teachers from different private schools.
* The study concluded that:(34.6%) of children use violent video games for two hours per day, this could affect the children behavior negatively because most of the scientific researches indicate that the child cognitive development will have a harmful effect if children keep watching violent video games regularly per day, also the study concluded that (68.6%) agrees that the family members are responsible to monitoring their children to avoid misusing video games. Parents play a major role in reducing children aggressive behavior through explaining the true consequences of violence, and point out how unrealistic it is for children to get away with violent behavior, and clarify what they see through the violent video games are fiction and don't reflect reality.