إن المشکلة البحثية تناقش مدى إمکانية توظيف الصحافة المدرسية بکل فنونها التحريرية وأنماطها الإخراجية ودورها المجتمعي في تنمية وعي طلاب المرحلة الإعدادية بالمواد المخدرة في إطار المنهج التجريبي، کما تقيس الدراسة مدى الإختلاف في وعي طلاب المرحلة الإعدادية "المجموعة الضابطة غير الممارسة للصحافة المدرسية والمجموعة التجريبية الممارسة للصحافة المدرسية" بالمواد المخدرة وتأثيراتها وکيفية الوقاية من التعاطي والإدمان مع إجراء الضبط التجريبي بين المجموعتين من حيث العوامل الديموغرافية کالسن والنوع والمستوى التعليمي وأيضا المستوى الإقتصادي الإجتماعي، وذلک للکشف عن مدى کفاءة البرنامج الوقائي الذي قامت الباحثة بإعداده في تنمية وعي المجموعة التجريبية وتحديد أسباب التباين بين المجموعة الضابطة والمجموعة التجريبية.
وأشارت نتائج الدراسة إلى مجموعة من المؤشرات المهمه وهى کالآتي:
1- اتخذت کل من المجموعة التجريبية والمجموعة الضابطة الإتجاه المحايد نحو بنود المقياس في القياس القبلي على البعد الرئيسي لتنمية الوعي بالمواد المخدرة حيث جاء المتوسط الحسابي للمجموعة التجريبية 2.07 بمعامل اختلاف 3.49%، وجاء المتوسط الحسابي للمجموعة الضابطة 2.04 بمعامل إختلاف 6.14%، وذلک ما بين العبارات الأکثر أهمية واتفاقاً وتشمل(کلمة تعاطي تشير إلى تناول العقاقير غير القانونية، عندما يتعاطى الشخص مادة مخدرة بشکل منتظم يصبح مدمناً عليها، ويعاني المدخن للسجائر من أمراض القلب وضغط الدم)، أما العبارة التي اختلف عليها المجموعتين والأقل أهمية لدى المجموعتين(إذا أعطاني أحد أصدقائي سيجارة سوف أخذها منه)، وهذه النتيجة تشير إلى الإتجاه الإيجابي لدى المجموعتين تجاه التعاطي والإدمان وأن لديهم بعض الوعي بالمخاطر ورفض عادة التدخين ومشارکة الأصدقاء المدخنين.
2- أثبتت الدراسة نجاح برنامج الصحافة المدرسية الذي تشتمل بنوده على جوانب الوعي بالمواد المخدرة ومدى فعالية نشاط الصحافة المدرسية في تنمية الوعي بالمواد المخدرة، حيث أشارت نتائج الفروض إلى أن هناک فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين المجموعة التجريبية والمجموعة الضابطة في القياس البعدي وذلک لصالح المجموعة التجريبية وذلک بمتوسط حسابي (2.42) على بعد تنمية الوعي بالمواد المخدرة، ومتوسط حسابي(2.90) على بعد فعالية الصحافة المدرسية في تنمية الوعي بالمواد المخدرة. ولذلک يمکن تطبيق البرنامج في المدارس ولکل المراحل التعليمية بما يتناسب مع کل مرحلة عمرية، ويمکن الإستفادة من البرنامج في تناول العديد من القضايا الأخرى التي يحتاج الطلاب الوعي بها مثل القضايا الصحية والقضايا السياسية وتلوث البيئة وغيرها.
The Role of School Journalism for Developing Secondary Students' Awareness about Narcotic Substances.
The present study discusses "The Role of School Journalism in developing the Awareness of Secondary Students about Narcotic Substances ", at The framework of experimental Method, where the study was applied to a sample of third grade students at the Saad Zaghloul Experimental School in Helwan, the sample consist of 80 respondents equal between male and female from age 13-14year, and the sample was divided into an experimental group consist of 40 individuals, and A control group consist of 40 individuals.
And also, the researcher used the experimental approach, with the experimental control of the intermediate variables, including (gender, socioeconomic level, and age), to ensure the effect of the program on the awareness of the experimental sample and the non-interference of any other variable.
The researcher prepared a school journalism program to develop students' awareness of narcotic substances, as the program examined the types of narcotic substances and their effects and methods of prevention and misconceptions about abuse and addiction, then a measure was prepared by the researcher, then the experimental group was exposed to the program for seven days and the control group did not go through the program, then The pre-measurement was carried out for the two groups and the post-measurement.
Objectives of the study:
The main objective of this study is to develop secondary school students' awareness of narcotic substances, and a set of sub-goals emerges from the main goal, as follows:
1- Revealing of the role of school journalism in its various activities for developing Secondary school students' awareness of narcotic substances.
2- Knowing the extent of the difference in awareness of narcotic substances between the experimental and control groups that participate in the school press activity in the study sample school.
3- Preparing new perception that helps the educational media specialist to play his role in developing students 'awareness in the preparatory stage of narcotic substances.
Sample of the study:
The study was applied to a sample of third preparatory grade students at the Saad Zaghloul experimental school, consisting of 80 male and female respondents divided into two halves, 40 as an experimental group with equal distribution between male and female (20 male and 20 female) and the experimental sample was chosen from students who participate in the Journalism School Within the school, and 40 individual control groups (20 male and 20 female).
The control sample was chosen from students not participating in the Journalism school, and the researcher relied on drawing the sample in a random manner to give an equal opportunity to all the students.
The study reached a set of results, the most important of which are:
1- That the students in the school in question do not have sufficient awareness of the drug and methods of prevention of abuse and addiction.
2- Although there are educational media activities, especially the school Journalism in the school, they do not play the required role in developing awareness of narcotic drugs, which confirms the necessity of activating the role of school journalism in dealing with the drug issue in schools.
3- The study demonstrated the success of the school journalism program, whose items include aspects of awareness of narcotic substances and the effectiveness of school journalism activity in developing awareness of narcotic substances. Therefore, the program can be applied in schools and for all educational levels in proportion to each age stage, and the program can be used to address many other issues that students need to be aware of include as violence, environmental pollution, and more.
4- The results of the current study agreed with many foreign studies that discussed the importance of developing students 'awareness of drugs about narcotic substances, as they emphasized that students in schools do not have awareness of the dangers of narcotic substances, and as a result they have wrong ideas and beliefs about drug use, and therefore facilitate their occurrence, so that, there is a need to prepare preventive programs to protect students from entering the circle of drug abuse experience, as stated in the study.
5- The experimental group and the control group took the neutral trend towards the items of the scale in the tribal measurement on the main dimension of developing awareness of narcotic substances, where the mean of the experimental group came to 2.07 with a coefficient of 3.49%, and the mean of the control group 2.04 came with a different coefficient of 6.14%, between the terms The most important and agreed include (the word abuse refers to the use of illegal drugs, when a person uses a drug on a regular basis becomes addicted to it, and the smoker suffers from cigarettes from heart disease and blood pressure).
6- That the attitudes of the sample research showed a general trend towards approval, at a distance (the effectiveness of school journalism in developing students' awareness of narcotic drugs), with an average of (2.90) and a different coefficient of (5.01%).