القاديانية هم أتباع غلام أحمد القادياني الذي ظهر في إقليم بنجاب في الهند زمن الاستعمار البريطاني، وتدرّج في ادّعاءاته فزعم أولًا أنه مجدد العصر، ثم ادّعى أنه المهدي المنتظر، ثم النبي المؤيِّد لشريعة محمد ﷺ، ثم قال أنا المسيح الموعود، وصرّح أن باب الوحي مفتوح للناس وأن النبوة لم تختم بمـحمد ﷺ، وأنه ينزل عليه الوحي، فجاء بدين جديد مبني على التشبيه والتجسيم والحلول والتناسخ، وزعم أنه يوحى إليه أنه ابن الله وأفضل الأنبياء جميعًا ومظهر کل الأنبياء. وجاهر بموالاته للاستعمار البريطاني ونادى بإلغاء عقيدة الجهاد مطالبًا بالطاعة العمياء للحکومة الإنکليزية. وجعل قاديان في الحج إليها بدل مکة، وکفّر من لا يصدق به من المسلمين، وادّعى أن المعنى المقصود من الآيات لا يدرکها إلا هو، فاستحق لقب دجال قاديان، وصدرت الفتاوى بتکفيره وبعمالته في مشارق الأرض ومغاربها.
the Qadiyaniyyah are the followers of Ghulam Ahmad from Qadiyan, who appeared in the Punjab region of India during the era of British colonization. He gradually progressed in his claims, first claiming to be the renewer of the era. Then he claimed to be the awaited mahdiyy (the awaited, rightly guided leader). Then he claimed to be a prophet, supporting the laws of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Then he claimed to be the promised messiah. He explicitly stated that the revelation still descends for the people, that prophethood did not end with Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him (i.e., that Muhammad was not the final prophet), and that he, himself, receives the Revelation. He came with a new religion that is based in likening Allah to the creations, attributing the bodily attributes to Allah, the belief that Allah dwells inside the creations, and reincarnation. He claimed that he received the Revelation, that he is the son of Allah, that he is the best of all the prophets, and that he is the manifestation of all the prophets. He openly expressed his cooperation with and loyalty to British colonialism, and called for nullifying the Muslims' belief in jihad, demanding for the blind following of, and obedience to English rule. He judged Qadiyan, in India, as the destination for Pilgrimage, instead of Makkah. And he judged whomever among the Muslims, who did not believe in him, as a blasphemer. He claimed that no one comprehends the meanings that Allah specified for the verses of the Qur'an except him, thus he deserved the title (cognomen), “The imposter of Qadiyan." The religious edict judging him as a non-Muslim due to his faithlessness was proclaimed throughout the east and the west.