ArticleThe Effect of Audit quality on Stock Price Crash Risk "An Empirical Study on Egyptian Listed Companies"
ArticleThe Effect of Audit quality on Stock Price Crash Risk "An Empirical Study on Egyptian Listed Companies"
ArticleThe audit committee effectiveness and earnings management :The moderating role of audit quality: Empirical Evidence from Egyptian listed Companies
ArticleThe audit committee effectiveness and earnings management :The moderating role of audit quality: Empirical Evidence from Egyptian listed Companies
ArticleThe Implications of Ownership Structure and Audit Quality on Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from Egypt
ArticleThe Implications of Ownership Structure and Audit Quality on Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from Egypt
ArticleThe Moderating Effect of Firm Characteristics on the Relationship between the Audit Style and Firm-pair Earnings Comparability: An Evidence from Listed Firms on the Egyptian Stock Exchange
ArticleThe Moderating Effect of Firm Characteristics on the Relationship between the Audit Style and Firm-pair Earnings Comparability: An Evidence from Listed Firms on the Egyptian Stock Exchange
ArticleThe effect of accounting conservatism on firm performance: the moderating role of joint audit with an Empirical Study on Egyptian Corporation
ArticleThe effect of accounting conservatism on firm performance: the moderating role of joint audit with an Empirical Study on Egyptian Corporation
Articleأثر أهمية ومستوى الإفصاح عن المعاملات مع الأطراف ذوى العلاقة على جودة الأرباح المحاسبية: دراسة تطبيقية على الشرکات المقيدة بالبورصة المصرية
Articleأثر أهمية ومستوى الإفصاح عن المعاملات مع الأطراف ذوى العلاقة على جودة الأرباح المحاسبية: دراسة تطبيقية على الشرکات المقيدة بالبورصة المصرية
ArticleThe effect of audit quality, Board of Directors’ Characteristics and Environmental Uncertainty on firms' tax avoidance activities: Evidence from the Egyptian business environment.
ArticleThe effect of audit quality, Board of Directors’ Characteristics and Environmental Uncertainty on firms' tax avoidance activities: Evidence from the Egyptian business environment.
ArticleThe effect of abnormal audit fees on audit quality: The moderating role of business characteristics: Empirical study on Egypt.
ArticleThe effect of abnormal audit fees on audit quality: The moderating role of business characteristics: Empirical study on Egypt.
Article"Impact Of Corporate Governance Practice And Audit Quality On Capital Structure Decisions And Financial Performance "Evidence from Egypt
Article"Impact Of Corporate Governance Practice And Audit Quality On Capital Structure Decisions And Financial Performance "Evidence from Egypt
Articleأثر المعاملات مع الأطراف ذات العلاقة على الأداء المالي في الشرکات المساهمة المصرية (دراسة اختبارية)
Articleأثر المعاملات مع الأطراف ذات العلاقة على الأداء المالي في الشرکات المساهمة المصرية (دراسة اختبارية)