Background: Accurate information of students regarding the coronavirus illness (COVID-19), its spread, and precautions are important for limiting an outbreak. Telenursing is considered an efficient approach for combating COVID-19 outbreak. Aim: To examine the effect of telehealth nursing intervention on COVID-19 protective measures awareness and practice among university students. Subjects &Method: A quasi-experimental research approach was adopted. This research was carried out at non-medical faculties including faculty of Commerce and faculty of Law at Shebin Elkom City, Menoufia University, Egypt. Subjects: A convenience sample comprising of 280 university students, aged 18 to 24, from both genders, was obtained using an online Google form. Tools of data collection: Two tools were employed:1. Self-administered structured questionnaire included personal characteristics, and students' awareness about COVID-19. 2. Students' protective measures practice about COVID-19. Results: The main findings revealed that 82.2% of studied students had poor awareness about COVID -19 pre telehealth nursing intervention, compared post telehealth nursing intervention, the good awareness level was significantly improved (83.2%). Besides, about three-quarters of students had poor protective measures practice against COVID 19, while 25.4% had good practice at pre the intervention, compared to the post telehealth nursing intervention, the good protective measures practice level was significantly improved (71.4%). Conclusion: Telenursing is an efficient approach for improving students' awareness and their practice about protective measures against COVID 19. Recommendations: Continuous awareness on enhancing COVID-19 protective measures via telehealth nursing throughout all academic institutions are needed.