الإسکان في مصر من اهم القضايا التي تواجه قاطرة النمو في مصر وذلک لأنها تمس قضايا کثيرة متشعبة مثل القضايا الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والبيئية، ولا يخفي على أحد ان مصر تعاني من مشکلة الاسکان مما يتبعه من اثار سلبية على جميع المحاور، ولذلک لزم دراسة تلک المشـــــکلة وابعادها ومحاورها وخصائصها حتى نتمکن في النهاية من ايجاد المفهوم القادر على التعامل مع قضية الاسکان بشکل يتميز بالشمولية والاستمرارية والقدرة على التطور.
کما يتم دراسة استراتيجيات تطبيق مبادئ الاستدامة في المراحل المختلفة لعملية الاسکان، تلک المراحل تبدأ من مرحلة وضع الاستراتيجيات العامة للإسکان وبعد ذلک مرحلة التصميم والتعرف على مبادئ التصميم المستدام (وهو على مستويين التصميم العمراني للمنطقة السکنية والتصميم المعماري للمباني) ومرحلة التصميم من اهم المراحل واکثرها تأثيرا على اداء المبنى في المستقبل، ثم مرحلة الاشغال والتشــغيل وهي المرحلة الاطول في عمر المبنى او المجاورة الســــکنية وتضم تلک المرحلة اعمال الصيانة وادارة المخلفات وتوعية المستخدمين.
The issue of housing is a complex issue which is affected by many issues and also affects many issues and has many dimensions and these dimensions can be collected in three main areas which are the focus of social, economic hub and environmental axis.
Housing policies are a set of controls and strategies that control the process of providing housing with all issues covered, it must be characterized by some of the qualities in order to be successful and effective, those qualities are clarity, realism, comprehensiveness, continuity and evolution.
Therefore the study strategies apply the principles of sustainability in the various stages of the process of housing, those stages start from the development stage of the general strategies for housing and then the design stage to identify the principle of sustainable design (on two levels Urban Design residential area and architectural design of the building). The design stage is the most important and influential one on the performance of the building in the future. Then the occupation and operation stage which is the longest one in the age of the building or residential neighbors and that stage include maintenance, waste management and user's awareness.
Sustainability also aims for maximizing preserve degrees of energy through urban design, water and natural resources, providing urban design works on the development of social relations. As for the architectural design for residential unit, sustainability aims through it at maximizing the environmental performance of housing units in dealing with electricity issues energy, water and construction materials as well as ensuring an appropriate internal environment quality.
The research aims for studying through access to the recommendations that will help decision makers to develop housing policies to keep up with the requirements of Sustainability.