تبنت عدد من المنظمات الدولية المهتمة بالتنمية الزراعية وتطبيقاتها الدولية فکر منظومة الأنشطة الزراعية Agro-based Cluster وأنماطها المکانية مثل المتنزهات الزراعية الصناعية Agro-industrial park کسياسة لدعم عمليات التنمية المحلية المستدامة والتي تهدف إلي إيجاد وحدات وأقاليم زراعية متخصصة وقادرة علي جذب الاستثمارات المحلية والعالمية ودعم التصدير المحلي والعالمي لمنتجات ومحاصيل زراعية مميزة Agro-brand products، وکذلک توفير البنية الأساسية والمرافق والخدمات الزراعية المساندة ومعاهد التدريب الزراعية بما يساهم في دعم التنمية العمرانية الإقليمية المتکاملة وتشجيع التکامل الزراعي مع القطاعات الأخرى والقضاء علي الفقر الريفي بما يستدعي تحديد أولويات تطبيق هذه السياسة بأقاليم المدن الزراعية کأداء للتوجيه المکاني السليم لمشروعات التنمية المحلية الزراعية لتحقيق فکر الاستدامة لها.
Several international organizations, concerned with agricultural development and their international applications, have adopted the idea of an Agro-based Cluster. This idea has spatial patterns such as the Agro-industrial Park as a policy to support sustainable local development processes. Which aim at creating specialized agricultural units and territories capable of attracting local and international investments and export, to support local and international agro-brand products and agricultural products, as well as the provision of infrastructure, facilities and agricultural support services and agricultural training institutes, which contribute to support the integrated regional urban development and encourage the elimination of rural poverty, which calls for prioritizing the implementation of this policy in the areas of agricultural cities as a performance of the proper spatial guidance for local agricultural development projects to achieve the idea of sustainability.
The main objective of this research is to define the role of Agro-industrial parks in supporting sustainable local development processes which contribute to maximizing the role of the agricultural sector in the agricultural regions. Determining the patterns of prioritizing the regions of the cities to implement this policy within the limits of the Egyptian governorates that have priority and are proposed in the strategic plans for them in this context.
The research methodology is based on three main axes. The first axis deals with the idea of sustainable local development and the goals, obstacles, and challenges of achieving it. The second axis deals with the role of Agro-industrial parks in supporting sustainable local development processes by reviewing this concept and the importance of its role in supporting sustainable local development within the framework of lessons learned from global experiences in implementing this policy. As for the third part, it deals with the practical framework for determining the patterns of the regions of the priority cities to apply this policy to the limit of the Egyptian governorates with priority in implementing the agricultural activities system as a mechanism for evaluating the proposed agricultural development projects with its strategic plans.