یعدّ الشاعر (سهراب سبهري) من الشعراء المولّدين الذين يمتازون بأسلوب خاص، وقد استفاد من الرمز الصوفي الخاص بالتصوف الشرقي؛ لإظهار منازل الإشراق والشهود الخاصة به، ونجد أنّه عبّر في شعره عن کافة العناصر الصوفيّة من ظواهر واصطلاحات بشکل رمزي وشاعري؛ بهدف إيصال مفهوم التصوف للقارئ بشکل مبسط وميسر قابلًا للفهم، ومما يميز لغته الشعرية هو استخدامه رمزية خاصة يعبّر فيها عن أحواله وتجلياته الصوفيّة، وکذلک تغنّيه بالطبيعة، فهو يلجأ إليها طلبًا لاطمئنان الروح وسکينتها، والتعلق بالطبيعة لدى (سهراب) ممزوج بالنظرة الشرقيّة لها، وجذور هذا التعلق ضاربة في أعماق تصوف الشرق الأقصى(اليابان)، فـ(سهراب) عاش في نصوص الثقافة الشرقيّة، وتأثر بعناصرها ممّا انعکس ذلک على شخصيّته وشعره.
The Influence of Sufi Symbol in the Far East on Contemporary Persian Literature
Reading the Tenors of "Zen Buddha's"1 Doctrine in the (Sohrab Sepehri) Poetry
The Iranian poet (Sohrab Sepehri) is considered one of the novice and stylist poets who have their own unique style. Actually, Sohrab has benefited from the Sufi symbol of the oriental eastern mysticism, in order to show its special brightening positions and statuses. Obviously, and through his poems, Sohrab has expressed all the aspects and elements of Sufi phenomena as well as idioms in a symbolic and poetic way, with a view to conveying the Sufism concept to readers in an easy and understandable way. It is worth mentioning that what distinguishes his poetic language is exploiting a special symbolism which assists him in expressing his conditions and Tajalli (self-manifestation), in addition to his praise of nature. Sohrab resorts and turns to the nature asking for reassurance of his soul. Sohrab's harmony with the nature is combined with the Eastern view of it, the roots of this harmony is extremely obvious in the deeps of the Far East mysticism (Japan), where Sohrab lived in the eastern culture texts and writings, and he was affected and influenced by its elements, which directly reflected on Sohrab's personality as well as his own poetry.