By the end of World War II, postmodern arts were affected by developments in the West since the middle of the twentieth century, and there was a great impact on Western thought because of the war and the wars that continued with it. Modernity and the destruction that occurred in reality. What happened resulted in a state of pessimism among critics of modernist thought with a rationalistic tendency and between philosophers, and artists responded quickly to express this intellectual, social and political crisis by various means, as it happened previously and the adoption of art towards the rationalist philosophy of the Enlightenment movement, which was prevalent in the recent past, as well. The change was made to subjectivism, existential philosophy and the culture of globalization as the main pillars of the intellectual concepts of the West in the twentieth century. In addition to, the huge technological development to reach the maximum extent as in the art of the land, and the minimum such as the body arts and the abstract arts for example. The postmodern arts, relied on the idea in general and was concerned with addressing the mind, so the recipient was the focus and goal of it at the same time. He is a receiver of the idea and a participant in it. Postmodern art was connected to the previous and following artistic stages also, called (postmodernity) and spread in the last quarter of the twentieth century until now. Postmodern art is a new style of society meeting art, and the postmodern trend is concerned with open forms, thus the form of art changed from paintings and statues, and it became an event, plus, the artist's thought changed from the previous concept of the exhibition, museum and the usual design solutions. Critical writings clarified the important role of the recipient's reaction in evaluating works of art and the extent of the importance of modern technology also, media in the spread of artwork among the largest number of recipients, which had a great impact on societal thought. Statement of the problem lies in the lack of clarity of the new aesthetic vision with the intellectual values expressed by using the different trends of postmodern arts and their impact on societal ideas by directing them towards a specific issue. The objective is to clarify the trends and artistic movements related to postmodern arts and the basis on which they were based and developed, also, to highlight their new aesthetic values stemming from creative thought that differ according to the type of each modern art, and to shed light on their impact on the intellectual trend of society, each according to its time.Plus the Significance of research lies in the following: to highlight the new aesthetic values resulting from postmodern arts, which appeal to the mind and to clarify the trends and types of post-modern arts and their development process. Also Considering post-modern arts as a reflection of the state of societies and even more so in influencing the prevailing societal thought. Regarding the research Methodology, the research follows the inductive method by collecting data and information about the concept of the term postmodern, followed by the descriptive analytical approach to analyze a group of trends and postmodern arts and the extent to which they are affected by societal thought and their impact on it.Results: The researcher believes that by studying postmodern arts:1- Postmodern art cannot be done in isolation from the conceptual framework and knowledge culture of the societies in which it was raised.2- The diverse and continuous artistic experiences in this direction complement each other and thus represent other artistic trends as we used to see them in the past.3- The media and media arts intermingled with the plastic arts and were greatly influenced by the reliance on technology, which became one of the most important pillars of postmodern artistic trends.4- Postmodern art relied on the aesthetic aspect of the artwork, showing it and emphasizing the idea on which it was raised, and thus it is more concerned with expressing the idea than the form.