“Gamification" is the art of deriving all the fun and engaging elements found in games environment and applying them to real-world or productive activities. This process called “Human-Focused Design," It's a design process that optimizes for human motivation in a system; it is usually understood as a pedagogical strategy that favors student engagement and motivation. Gamification “prepares learners to be active and take responsibility upon their own learning process". Lectures with fun games are introduced to be more effective in showing a positive outcome, as learners are motivated to play more instead of getting the information through traditional ways. This study aimed to explore and to design a framework for Gamification used in e- learning course for undergraduate students. This study also aims to suggest the use of game play in the concept of game-based learning in E-learning courses. In This research we will examine the role of Gamification in designing E-learning course. Furthermore, this playfulness is expected to reduce the stress experienced by users. The research was conducted using a practical method by giving undergraduate student assignment of designing E-learning games and framework then this will be evaluated with peer evaluation process by using rubric. The results showed that integrating Gamification into E-learning improved learners' creative, critical and problem-solving skills. Thus, Gamification framework is able to provide pleasure and better understanding, which in turn will reduce the user's stress level and will reduce user resistance and increase the effectiveness of technology implementation.