Due to the strong competitions among retailers, they need to find their competitive advantages in order to survive in the market. Windows display is the most effective element that retailer can use in order to provide good retail experience, which leads to customer loyalty. The main features of the design of window display are interest values, visual appeal, and relevance. The visual appeal of a display directly affects the ability of the display to gain shoppers attention. A successful window conveys a store's brand story, providing entertainment for the eyes with mood, material, lighting, and colours. An effective window display should be attractive, memorable, appropriate, timely, and neat. Well-designed windows display can positively affect consumers' purchase intentions. The objectives of this paper are: to investigate the influence window displays have on consumers and the design techniques required in a window display to entice people to enter a store, and to investigate how windows display promote the brand's image, the common classifications of windows display, and the design setting. Also, to explore the relationship between windows display and customer behaviour throughout S.O.R model. This paper emphasizes the important role of windows display as an effective media of visual communication, also it emphasizes that window display has a first impression and lasting impact on the minds of consumers. Furthermore, this paper improves the understanding of how window display design techniques creates a unique visual impact. The main results of this paper are: the window display is a means of attraction that can lead to the final purchase of a product.Effective windows display educates the consumer how to use the products and helps consumers to create and maintain in their minds the overall image and identity.The process of reinforcing the purchase decision consists of these steps: attention, perception, involvement, credibility, and memory.