Our life nowadays depends on the satisfactory performance of products & services, whether it be the transmission, distribution networks of electricity & water, health services, or the level of performance of some products used for different purposes of fabrics, which is our area of research where there is no room to accept deterioration & low quality of the performance of products, this concept has led to an increased need to raise the level of performance of products. The research problem is summarized in the economic confrontations, challenges that the country is going through & the interest in the textile industry with quality, material, its use for the appropriate purpose & it must be upgraded in terms of shape, price & appropriate performance so that we can compete with our textile products locally & internationally.Research objectives: Upgrading the Egyptian textile product in terms of quality to achieve its functional purpose, Achieving quality in Egyptian textile products, to achieve competition in the local & international markets, Working to satisfy the consumer's taste by achieving the elements of quality of raw materials, product form & reasonable price. Research results:Ensuring proper quality of the raw material of the product to achieve the functionality of the most important quality requirements. Carefully choose the appropriate material to meet the needs & requirements of job performance. Dem & for synthetic fibers & raw materials is increasing due to their advantages such as tensile strength, fire resistance, & others. Ease of raw materials & the manufacture of synthetic fiber has led to its use in many sectors such as civil engineering, ships & hardware manufacturing, transport & communications. The lightweight of synthetic fibers gave it a major advantage over the rest of the raw materials, in manufacturing in various fields such as cars, airplanes, curtains for theaters, cinemas & other synthetic sectors. The tensile strength & the tolerance of consumption of synthetic fibers led to their use significantly in agricultural industries such as greenhouses & others.