Home furnishings are considered essential necessities for every home because of their functional and aesthetic importance, and some may consider them as a measure of the physical and aesthetic level of the place, and no room is devoid of these furnishings. Each room has its own furnishings and the aesthetic touch that is added to it is able to turn it into a work of art. It leads to achieving harmony with everything surrounding it, so I used holographic embroidery, which gives high aesthetic and functional effects to the furnishings.
Research problem:The problem can be formulated in the following questions:
1- What are the different techniques and techniques for 3D embroidery?
2- What is the possibility of implementing designs from decorative units?
3- What are the opinions of specialists on the proposed designs of decorative units?
4- What is the possibility of implementing selections of the proposed designs with the art of 3D embroidery?
5- What are the opinions of the professors specialized in the pieces executed in the art of 3D embroidery?
Research objectives: objectives Research The research aims to: -
1- Learning about the different methods and techniques of 3D embroidery.
2- Preparing a set of decorative designs suitable for (living room furnishings).
3- To get acquainted with the opinions of professors specialized in the proposed designs and implemented in the art of 3D embroidery.
4- Executing designs using appropriate methods and techniques for 3D embroidery.
Research Methodology: - The research follows the descriptive approach and the experimental approach.
The search results indicated that Preparing ornamental design using Adobe illustrator cc and Photoshop c55 program enriches the field of decorative design and produces designs with aesthetic and artistic values that enrich the field of furnishings by means of 3D embroidery.
2- Choosing the technique and style that matches the design has achieved artistic richness in the executed pieces.
3- The use of raw materials and their quality and the various stitches that are unique in nature helped to implement the three-dimensional embroidery in a new and distinctive way.