Nowadays Modern Mattresses are much used even in local markets. As they were made with wire springs in linked support basis, separated support basis (pocket), sponge or Medical materials (rebound or Latex). In past, this kind of modern mattresses was specially used by hotels and high-level persons only. Mattresses covers fabrics are produced on Jacquard looms or full Jacquard double jersey circular knitting machines. These two types of fabrics are competitive. Double Jersey knitted fabrics have a relative advantage as it has a soft and elastic feel and fluffiness which is specifying the knitted fabrics, which mostly add to knitted fabrics cottony appearance even cotton yarns are not used in fabric production. Though, studying of this kind of fabric has become very important to develop its properties as it gains a high ratio of produced fabrics for mattresses cover. Statement Problem:Woven Jacquard fabrics and double knitted Jacquard fabrics are competitive in mattress fabric production. A Kapitone process is done as an additional phase after fabric production to prepare it for end use as a cover in mattress manufacturing processes. Kapitone process is similar with embroidery process, It sews the fabric in a draw (any shape or design) to be fixed with another layer as a lining of different materials it may be a mat of fibers, sponge or lining of non-woven fabric. The statement problem of the research is working to produce fabrics have Kapitone effect in its appearance directly after knitting and finishing processes without doing a Kapitone as an independent process. This will be done through increasing the weight of square meter of fabric and we use a thick laying- in yarns in a special fabric designs to occur high bulk in some areas and composed fabric layers in another areas of fabric to make the same effect of Kapitone process. Objectives: produce matters fabric has the Kapitone effect and produce mattresses fabric is uses directly after knitting and finishing process without doing a kapitone process. In addition to decreasing cost of mattress production. Methods: Research methods: the method of experimental and analysis work throw making three experimental Samples have different knitting structure and specifications for the same full jacquard knitting design and comparing among them in fabric weight and bursting tests. Results: Icreasing of lay-in yarn thickness and density leads to getting Kapitone effect in fabric appearance. Using of Lycra yarns leads to increasing lying- in yarn density which caused an increasing in fabric thickness and increasing in Kapitone effect. Increasing of lay-in yarn and its density increased fabric tenacity which can be measured with bursting test.