This research focus on the phenomenon of violence against women in its different forms;physical, psychological, sexual, legal, economical, social, cultural and political.It is a serious and widespread problem that is a clear violation of human rights. It is rooted in the inequality between men and women throughout history. This systematic discrimination against women stems from parentalism, domination and subordination to others, women's negativity, customs and traditions, cultural environmental and economical aspects, government and authorities violence. It is also against the principles of religion and common sense. The persistence of this rampant violence against women fuels the cultures of violence and undermines the pillars of progress towards achieving human rights, development and peace. Ending this violence is a great interest for all humankind. Over the last two decades, there has
considerable progress in developing international standards and rules to treat violence against women. Countries have a responsibility to prevent, punish and eradicate such violence. It is also the responsibility of everyone in society to participate in the elimination of that phenomenon.
Since the designer of textile printing is an integral part of the fabric of this society, he also has the duty of combating violence against women in general and Egyptian women in particular. From this point, the research presented 12 innovative design ideas suitable for printing women's fabrics aiming to raise the awareness of both society and woman by her rights also the rejection of all manifestations of violence directed against her by all means and to consolidate the values of self- respect , self-confidence and pride as being a woman in her power to serve the whole societ